Both entities obliged to conditions

Sarajevo Jul 25, 1997

Donator's Conference

Banjaluka, 25 July, 1997 (AIM) - "From the total of USD 1,226 Bill. RS expects about 1/3", said Mr. Rajko Tomas, Councilor Economy Affairs RS President, adding that, both entities had equal treatment, and both entities are obliged to the equal conditions, of which, the most important is implementation of Dayton Agreement. He informed about great authority of High Representative on investment decisions, and in his Office will be established Economy Working Group which will decide if conditions are respected and realized.

"At the beginning, the atmosphere was burdened with recent RS political situation, but they decided to help RS, and to give it a chance to solve political situation through the economic development", said Mr. Tomas, adding that, he represented Mrs. Plavsic at the Conference because she was engaged in RS. He took special airplane from Banjaluka airport, because at regular flight RS Government already made all reservations, and there were no free seats. The cooperation with RS Delegation was fine. The main approach was "to defend RS interests, not to polarize towards any of sides in clash".(End)