Not a single answer to the UBSD MP questions!

Sarajevo Jul 25, 1997

Union B&H Social Democrats (UBSD)

Sarajevo, 25 July, 1997 (AIM) - "So far, UBSD MP got no answers on their questions in B&H Parliament, even the questions were based on citizens interests", said Mrs. Hazima Pecirep, UBSD MP Council Office Sarajevo, at today's press conference. This Office has been established to provide the citizens with right informations. Working hours of the Office are 13:00 till 16:00 hours every Tuesday. "From the very beginning (December, 1996) the Office informed citizens about their citizen and human rights, mainly in the field of lodging, welfare and working rights", said she.

Announcing the VII Anniversary of UBSD (originating from Reform Party, headed by Mr. Ante Markovic, ex and last President SFRY), Mr. Sejfudin Tokic, President Executive Board UBSD stated that, "UBSD today is the strongest opposition party, active at all Government levels, member of Socialist International, which, in spite of all inner crashes, succeeded in it's existence for seven years".(End)