Election - time of false promises

Sarajevo Jul 25, 1997

MBO press conference

Tuzla, 25 July, 1997 (AIM)- The Main Board MBO B&H organized a meeting in Tuzla. After the meeting, at the press conference, Mr. Salih Burek, Vice President MBO B&H, stated that "leading parties are telling one thing and realizing another one, dividing B&H on religious and national base, getting rich, while promising to the people 'honey and milk' - this is a time of false promises". He informed that MBO joined "Joint List '97" because there are the strongest opposition parties, and they always stick to the idea of united, democrat and secular B&H, inside international recognized borders.

As an example, he mentioned negotiation between SDA and HD about the Law on Changes in Interentities Municipal Zones, which is based on "national surrounding".(End)