Heartily suggestions

Sarajevo Jul 25, 1997

RS Senate

Bijeljina, 25 July, 1997 (AIM) - RS Senate, scheduled for yesterday by Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, RS President, in presence of Mr. Momcilo Krajisnik, Member B&H Presidency and Mr. Aleksa Buha, Acting President SDS, appealed on "exceed of misunderstandings between opposed leading forces and institutions of Serb people in RS".

As possible measure RS Senate suggests an obligate respect of RS Constitutional Court decision, but, also, heartily recommend to RS President to retreat her decision on dismission of RS People Assembly. If she agrees, RS Senate suggest to the People Assembly to reconstruct the RS Government and form special Commission for Irregularities, which should investigate appearance of crime in certain economy sectors. The Commission should by responsible directly to the RS President.

RS Senate warned at possible cantonization of RS and "international community aspirations to include some Serb cantons into B&H, blackmailing us with donations, until we deliver so called war crime accused persons, publicly or secretly marked".

"It is important to reaffirm Coordinating leading body, headed alternatively by Mrs. Plavsic and Mr. Krajisnik in Banjaluka and Pale, or somewhere else", stays in RS Senate suggestions. Also, the decisions of Main Board SDS should be expertized, and, regardless to the RS Constitutional Court decision, to organize Parliament elections in 1998.(End)