"RS Constitutional Court has no authority!"

Sarajevo Jul 25, 1997

Mrs. Plavsic response to the RS Constitutional Court

Banjaluka, 25 July, 1997 (AIM) - By authorization by Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, RS President, Mr. Milan Trbojevic, solicitor, responded today to the RS Constitutional Court regarding it's suggestion about expertise on RS President recent decisions. He denied the RS Constitutional Court authority to make suggestion about expertise, also pointing out that RS Government can not discuss RS President decisions based upon her constitutional authorities. The dismissing act is individual act, where Constitutional Court has no authority at all. The RS President has right to control activities of RS Government, not vice versa!

He also, emphasized that RS Government decision to stop realization of RS President decision violated Constitution and Law on Government. Therefore, he suggested, the RS Constitutional Court should take under the expertise such RS Government action.

He suggested that RS Constitutional Court proclaim that it is not authorized in mentioned constitutional-legal case.(End)