Investments: 70 : 30 to the B&H Federation benefit

Sarajevo Jul 24, 1997

Brussels: Donator's Conference

Brussels, 24 July, 1997 (AIM) - The result of two days Donator's Conference for reconstruction of B&H is USD 1,84 Bill. plus USD 142 Mill. for implementation of Civil part of Dayton Agreement.

RS can not enjoy rights on Donator's investments, until it realizes seriously Dayton Agreement, first of all, to bring to the Hague Tribunal war crime accused persons. Basically, the ratio of Donator's aid is 70:30 to the B&H Federation benefit, which was accepted by both entities representatives.

First three positions at the Donator's List are taken by UE (USD 263 Mill.), USA (USD 242 Mill.) and World Bank (USD 160 Mill.), which makes more than the half of whole donation. Islamic Countries gave only USD 60, which is significantly less than expected USD 180 Mill.

Unsatisfied with strong critics from international community, and specially from Mr. Robert Gelbard, Special Envoy USA, RS Delegation announced possible retreat from the Conference. But, everything has been finished with Mr. Gojko Klickovic, RS Prime Minister, statement, that accusations on crime and corruption are "claims with no basic proof".

At the Donator's Conference, B&H was represented on State level (Mr.Haris Silajdzic and Mr. Boro Bisic), but, also, at entities levels (Mr. Edhem Bicakcic and Mr. Gojko Klickovic).(End)