Serb to win in Drvar?

Sarajevo Jul 24, 1997

Preelection guesses

Sarajevo, 24 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Mile Marceta, President Union of Expelled Citizens Drvar, visited yesterday the Coalition for Return. He stated that, by his information, at least 9.500 persons, out of 12.500 who voted last year in Drvar, will vote this September. Similar situation is expected in Grahovo, Kupres, Kljuc, Petrovac and Glamoc.

"We are proud of people and their response. There were some problems during registration process, but recent government stand no chances for coming elections", said Mr. Marceta, mentioning Bihac, Krupa, Sanski Most and Jajce where members of his organizations will take part in elections.(End)