First ambulance, than radio

Sarajevo Jul 23, 1997

Democrat Initiative of Sarajevo Serbs (DISS)

Sarajevo, 23 July, 1997 (AIM) - DISS successfully ended its first action - establishment of Humanitarian Health Institution "Zdravlje" ("Health") in Sarajevo Municipality Ilidza. There are 16 medical staff engaged, which represents a team which was working in the same institution during the war. The biggest donator was German Humanitarian Organization "Help" and Mr. Michael Steiner, ex Deputy OHR OUN for B&H, who actually gave the idea. Mr. Gerd Wagner, new Deputy OHR B&H, opened officially the institution.

After the reintegration of Ilidza into Sarajevo and B&H Federation, part of the medical team who was engaged similar institution, decided to stay in Ilidza. At the beginning, the ambulance was working as before, but, after reintegration, it was under the Sarajevo Health Homes institution, and soon after, it was on the list of health institutions which are planed to be closed. According to the Canton plans, in Ilidza should be built a big Health Home. But, doctors were not jobless, thanks to the Mr. Steiner idea. The ambulance is situated in private house, and it is opened every day, except Sunday, from 8 till 14 hours.

Next action planned by DISS is establishment of local Radio Station. The realization of new idea is expected very soon.(End)