Law on Privatization at Constitutional Court

Sarajevo Jul 23, 1997

Socialist Party RS (SP RS)

Banjaluka, 23 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Gojko Milinkovic, President Economy Council SP RS, at today's press conference, strongly criticized process of privatization, which he described as "dirty and suspicious business, used for creation of private state". He informed that his Party Institution decided to bring the Law on Privatization to the RS Constitutional Court for expertise, because, according to his words, "there are some indications of violation of basic human rights and democracy".

Mr. Nebojsa Radmanovic, Member Executive Board SP RS, repeated earlier Party decision, not to take part in People Assembly activities, until RS Constitution Court decision, either legal or political. He accused both side involved, for manipulations, and stated that " in RS is most dangerous to watch SRT. A normal citizen must be terrified by enemies of all kinds and colors, when listening to SRT and it's news and informations". (End) .