Mouth full of "citizens"

Sarajevo Jul 22, 1997

SDA & Comp. started election campaign in Tuzla

Tuzla, 22 July, 1997 (AIM) - Leading coalition in B&H (SDA, Party for B&H , Liberals and Citizen Democrat Party) started yesterday their election campaign in Tuzla, representing their candidates for local government. The campaign started with strong critic of political rivals.

"Our idea is united and democrat B&H, where the future would be decided only by it's citizens, Bosnians and Herzegovinians, the state where everybody would be praying as thought by his mother. The Coalition has not be established because of party pragmatism. We are interested only in strong, stabile and prosperity B&H. We are sorry for those who did not join the Coalition because they prefer their party interests to the interests of state community and united B&H", stated Mr. Adnan Jahic, President SDA Tuzla, and Chief Coalition Headquarters Tuzla.

Mr. Halid Genjac, President Main Board SDA B&H, criticized refugees who registered to vote in their temporary places of lodging, describing them as persons "who are not with SDA".

Mr. Mehmed Bajric, Head of Coalition Election List Tuzla, criticized municipal government (coalition of opposition Federal parties) for "clumsy and corruptive administration, nepotism and political amoral", giving in the same time, no arguments for such claims. He promised to the present: "If you vote for us, everything will be different and in interest of citizens".

Coalition promoters strongly, but mainly generally, criticized opposition civil parties accusing them (!?) for several political mistakes, and numerous citizens troubles. For the change, now the Coalition (SDA) candidates accused opposition for it's social structure, where the civil person is in epicenter. They forgot that, by the will of two leading parties, SDA and HDZ, the B&H Federation is entity of two peoples and not of B&H citizens who exist in it's structure.(End)