Cantonal Board HDZ disbanded

Sarajevo Jul 22, 1997

'Herzeg Bosnia' Canton

Livno, 22 July, 1997 (AIM)- "Regarding the situation in Cantonal Board, such move was expected, having in mind that it was 'de facto' an association of the HDZ Municipal Boards", said Mr. Mate Franjic, President HDZ Livno Municipality, adding that, "for weak Cantonal functioning, we have to blame a wrong approach in it's structure forming. It is wrong to blame persons from Livno and Duvno, who can not reach an agreement. Superior organs should balance between each argument, instead issuing an order. If two men are arguing about who is taller, you simply take a meter and measure them - you do not order them to make an agreement! So, if this move was made as a change in approach, as a new and more objective, than we support it".(End)