"Radnik" Director released

Sarajevo Jul 22, 1997


Doboj, 22 July, 1997 (AIM) - Trade Union of the "Rad" Constructor Firm, at today's meeting realized Mr. Brano Kovacevic, Director, from his duty. For some time, workers in mentioned firm, have been accusing Mr. Kovacevic for criminal manipulations. The debt of "Rad" in this moment is more than DEM 400.000!

"He sold all firm's vehicles, and we find out the he intended to sell two flats in Budva (Montenegro coast) for DEM 20.000. Mr. Kovacevic is SDS party staff with only two years of experience. Before the war he was in prison, why the Court ban was placed on him for managing jobs", stated Mrs. Ljubica Kuzmic, Member of the Union.(End)