Mr. Milosevic soon in Banjaluka?

Sarajevo Jul 22, 1997

New Workers Party RS

Banjaluka, 22 July, 1997 (AIM) - "New Workers Party RS invited Mr. Slobodan Milosevic, new elected President FRY, to visit Banjaluka, and so, contribute the solution of present RS situation. According to our information, he might be coming after the oath taking in Yugoslavia", said Mr. Vinko Duragic, President NWP RS, at today's press conference, adding that they expect Mr. Milosevic to support Mrs. Plavsic in her efforts to create legal and lawful state. "We think that informal power centers and recent leadership are pushing RS to it's vanish, because, 90% of unsatisfied RS citizens are more danger to RS than inner and foreign enemies, created by actual government", stated Mr. Duragic.

He asked all workers and citizens to apply in Privatization Center, and appealed to the firms to pay for it's employed and their families, 15,oo Dinars, so they can take part in privatization.(End)