Sarajevo Jul 22, 1997

Management Board of the Peace Agreement

AIM Sarajevo, 21 July, 1997

Stagnation in implementation of the Dayton accords and failure to meet obligations representatives of the authorities in Bosnia & Herzegovina had undertaken in Sintra, not only concerned the international community, but also compelled the Management Board for implementation of the peace agreement in B&H to visit Sarajevo in the end of last week and get acquainted with the situation in B&H, especially in Republica Srpska, but also in order to consult and discuss with high representative Carlos Vestendorp what and how they should proceed with the task. They especially wanted to do this because the decisions from Sintra were reconfirmed, but a number of complaints have been submitted concerning the course of implementation (or rather failure to do so) of its conclusions.

One thing is certain, and that is that there can be no deviations from the Dayton peace accords and conclusions from Sintra, and the Management Board has supported Vestendorp in his efforts and activities which would accelerate implementation of the agreed. Vestendorp did not wish to speak at the press conference held after the meeting with the Management Board about what activities were meant. However, he did not miss the opportunity to inform the public that the international community would support the authorities in the entities which would be cooperative. Those who fail to be cooperative will be responsible for it and will have to explain to their people why they will not be receiving any aid.

As concerning cooperativeness of representatives of the authorities B&H in realization of conclusions from Sintra, it has not yielded the expected results. Time limits according to which by 1 September uniform DKP network should have been established, the flag and B&H symbols adopted, as well as laws on passports and citizenship, will be exceeded and even the high representative's office has settled down to the fact. Vestendorp has announced additional two or three months for these jobs. Therefore, after 1 September the international community will not propose to its members and organizations to remove the current B&H symbols, as it was prescribed in the conclusions from Sintra. This does not mean, however, that the high representative's office will not take certain measures in order to have the time limits met even if with slight delays.

The conclusions from Sintra were not the only reason why the members of the Management Board talked with Vestendorp for more than six hours behind completely sealed doors. The international community is evidently concerned because of the situation in Republica Srpska, where a rise of terrorism and violations of human rights has been registered lately.

"We condemn terrorism and all activities in RS which violate the Dayton accords. The international community will support the administration which cooperates and carries out its tasks. We must clearly show to the responsible persons in RS that they must cooperate in implementation of the peace accords", stated Vestendorp after the meeting, adding that representatives of the international community had expressed interest for resolution of the situation in RS peacefully and through a dialogue. Behavior of the media and the police in RS was also discussed, which according to what the high representative said, was blocking the media. If the media fail to behave democratically, the international community will take certain measures. Vestendorp did not wish to say what specific measures, nor until when such behavior of the media and the police will be tolerated, which will be controlled during the forthcoming period. He did stress, though, that the officials of RS had tried to convince him that the problems with the media and the police would be resolved.

In view of the fact that the situation in Republica Srpska reflects on the operation of the joint B&H authorities, its presidency and the council of ministers, because representatives of this entity do not attend meetings, Vestendorp, according to his own words, proposed to the international community certain steps which should be taken. He at the same time informed the authorities in RS that they would not get aid because of it.

In the belief that there can be no peace without justice, and therefrom, without taking the accused for war crimes to court, the Management Board underlined again that it would be in contact with the Hague Tribunal.

Return of refugees was also on the agenda. The international community is resolute to help municipalities which will open their borders, and at the same time it is aware that property laws in both entities are the obstacle to return of refugees. The office of the high representative will insist on adoption of the mentioned laws in order to create legal preconditions for return of people to their homes.

Representatives of the international community dealt also with the situation in Mostar. According to Vestendorp's words, extremists are the big problem of the city on the Neretva, and it was demanded from the Croat officials to point them out.

There is no doubt, the meeting of the high representatives of the international community who are in charge of monitoring and offering assistance to the peace process in B&H, was the opportunity to make a review of what has been done and to take a resolute stand concerning the course of future activities. Things were quite clear in Sintra, the office of the high representative was given certain competences in implementation of the Dayton peace accords, but, as Vestendorp explains, implementation of the agreement is based on responsibility of the entities, and the international community cannot take their place.


(AIM Sarajevo)