RS Government against conditions

Sarajevo Jul 22, 1997

Expecting Donator's Conference in Brussels

Pale, 22 July, 1997 (AIM) - "RS Government is against conditions which are connecting extradition of Radovan Karadzic to Hague Tribunal with financial aid to the RS. Such request is consequence of RS President political actions and her public activities. Because of recent experiences, RS Delegation does not expect a lot from Donator's Conference. Anyhow, RS Government already succeeded in consolidation of Country, without foreign help", stays in today's RS Government press announcement.

Also is stated that, the image of Radovan Karadzic as a people enemy has been created to eliminate him "who as RS President could solve everything through system institutions, not through meetings", without the reaction of people "which was expected by the World, and because of which the World did not dare to arrest him".(End)