Election preview

Sarajevo Jul 21, 1997

'Herzeg - Bosnia' Canton

Livno,19 July, 1997 (AIM)- At Livno municipality region, for September elections, six parties and two independent candidates will take part: HDZ B&H, HCSP, HSP, SDP, coalition "For B&H", Mr. Ivan Dolic and Mr. Vinko Krizan. The same information says that in Tomislav Grad, five political parties will take part: HDZ, HCSP, HSP, HKDU and Coalition "For B&H", while in Kupres, there will be four parties: HDZ B&H, HSS, HSP and Coalition "For B&H".

In Glamoc, in accordance to the information, part will take: HCSP, Joint List '97, HSP Homeland, HDZ B&H and Coalition "For B&H".(End)