Meeting Izetbegovic-Tudman on 06 August, 1997

Sarajevo Jul 21, 1997

Mr. Richardson, Ambassador USA to the OUN in B&H

Sarajevo, 21 July, 1997 (AIM) - During his Balkan mission, Mr. Richardson, Ambassador USA to the OUN, visited Mr. Franjo Tudman, President of the Republic of Croatia, where they defined 06 August, 1997 as a date of official meeting between Mr. Tudman and Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, President B&H. The place of the meeting is to be announced.

President Tudman gave strong guarantiees to the return of Serbs who lived in Croatia, after reintegration of West Slavonija in next six months. He, also stated that Croatia will cooperate with Hague Tribunal, and will support Dayton Agreement in a view of strengthening of B&H Federation.

Mr. Richardson was disappointed with a fact that RS Representative was absent during his meeting with B&H Presidency Members. He will inform about that Mrs. Plavsic, and ask her for full cooperation of RS with Hague Tribunal, and active engagement of RS representatives in the activities of mutual institutions. Recent activities against SFOR in RS, he described as contra-productive, which will be subject of discussion at Donator's Conference, at the end of this month.(End)