SDS is not an absolute master any more

Sarajevo Jul 18, 1997

BH Social Democrat Union (UBSD)

Sarajevo, 18 July, 1997 (AIM) - "Because there are public and secret negotiations, it is possible that RS conflict Plavsic - Karadzic is a fake one. The fact is that Mrs. Plavsic can not do enough alone, but it is important that SADS is not an absolute master of the game in RS any more", stated Mr. Miodrag Zivanovic, President Social Liberal Party RS, as a guest at UBSD press conference, today in Sarajevo. He added that, "... SLS RS support Mrs. Plavisic, but only when she is fighting against crime in RS. Actually, the conflict is inside SDS between persons with identical political platform. It is not democrat - antidemocratic conflict! Essential changes will happen with establishment of new Centers of power". He, also, mentioned that there is more democracy in RS than before, which is result of activities of opposition parties, "... but, most important is that barriers in people's heads started to collapse. Now it is very important that people are back, and domicile persons to stay"; said he, commenting information that 22.000 families from RS want to leave B&H.

Mr. Sejfudin Tokic, Representative UBSD, stated that UBSD supports SFOR activities, but without killings: "The accused must face the trial in Hague, and point out their commanders and other responsible for war crimes".

The Democrat Alternative appealed to the B&H citizen to "start thinking by themselves", regarding September elections. Mr. Tokic thinks that present leading parties will not achieve on coming elections results as they did on last one, because they "endangered the basic values". He gave an example, where a small smuggler is arrested with two boxes of cigarettes, while caravans of vehicles with black-market goods are passing by.(End)