Mr. Adil Zulfikarpasic point of view

Sarajevo Jul 18, 1997

Muslim - Bosniak Organization B&H (MBO)

Sarajevo, 18 July, 1997 (AIM) - "Tragic side of B&H situation is that, leading persons in position and in opposition, are the same persons who started the war. Now, they should be taking opposite actions", said Mr. Adil Zulfikarpasic, President MBO B&H, at today's press conference, pointing out that. he, personally, would be satisfied if Head of his organization is younger man, relieved with past, but ".. present time is asking for lot of wisdom and experience and caution". Commenting the idea about establishment of diplomatic relations without conditions, between B%H and Yugoslavia, he stated: "There must be conditions for diplomatic relationship, and that decision is on Parliament, not on Presidency. And, which Presidency it should be? Federal or B&H State Presidency? It should be subject of discussion of large specters of political forces. A small group of corrupted persons can not rule our lives!"

Asked by present journalists, Mr. Zulfikarpasic, gave few interesting answers:

"In RS there is no conflict between democrat and antidemocrat sides inside SDS - they fight about control over robbed goods".

"... were Karadzic and Mladic arrested before one year, political situation in B&H would be today much more stabile".

"Urgently activities of SRNA and Pale TV should be stopped. What they are doing is a classical subversion, and SFOR and IPTF should be in charge for such prevention".

"Situation in Sandzak is not only SDA problem, it is vital problem of B&H State, and B&H Government should be seriously engaged in it's solution".

"HDZ decision about Union of three Mostar municipalities with Croat citizens as majority, is only a test for final creation of United Croat Municipalities and separation from B&H".(End)