"Wild West" in Otoka

Sarajevo Jul 18, 1997

District Court Banjaluka

Banjaluka, 18 July, 1997 (AIM) - A quarrel between two friends in Disco Club in Otoka (Ripac near Bihac), on 13 July, 1997, ended tragically. After a conflict, Zeljko Kovacevic (22), went to near by brother-in-law's house, took a pistol and came back to the Club, where he fired several lethal shots, on short distance, to Jovan Krljic (40), the owner of Disco Club.

Mr. Branko Gudalo, Judge District Court Banjaluka, opened today a process, during which, the accused admits the killing. Because of witness interrogations, the process will continue on 13 August, 1997.(End)