Mrs. Plavsic: "No compromise about crime"

Sarajevo Jul 18, 1997

RS President Support Meeting in Derventa

Derventa, 18 July, 1997 (AIM) - Few thousand persons were present yesterday at RS President Support Meeting in Derventa, where Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, official RS President stated: "Do not let this people be identified with crime. The State can not exist on 90% of smuggling and 10% of legal trade and production. There is no compromise! The crime can not be suspended just for a bit, in a view of hiding it from the Serb people. If crime is to be authority here, our children will not stay here. Why would we have our grand children in Canada?" She added that "Pale politics" used Prijedor events to protect it's crime.

    She mentioned some new informations about Belgrade airport 

events, where one of Serbia's policemen told her "to go to Pale for medical treatment". Her remark was: "What treatment? Mr. Koljevic went for treatment, and he was never back!"

At the end of the meeting, she stated that party affiliation is no more important, adding that SDS has the best program, but it is of no use, because it has not been realized.

    At the meeting present were the representative of  opposition 

Coordinating Board, who repeated their support to the RS President.(End)