Attack on Bosniaks

Sarajevo Jul 17, 1997


Livno,17 July, 1997 (AIM)- Last Saturday, 12 July, 1997 in Guber, near Livno, a group of Bugojno Croats mistreated three Muslims, while they rested in their garden. They, and other Muslims, are called to leave their properties: "It belongs to us!", emphasized Croats, stating that it has been given to them by President Tudman.

Mentioned Bosniaks did not reported mistreatment to the local polioce, because they "wanted to avoid possible unpleasentness", but when somebody repoprted to the Police station that they acctually did it, they decided to report the Croats, but not only to the local police, than to OESS and IPTF. "Let them find the truth", siad one of mistreated Muslims.(End)