"Bellflower" danger

Sarajevo Jul 17, 1997

War explosive devices problems

Glamoc,17 July, 1997 (AIM)- There are numerous explosive devices which remained from last war in B&H. Specially dangerous are so called "Bellflowers" distributed by the rocket launchers. About dozen rockets have been fired on Glamoc in summer, 1995. The experts state that 20% of "Bellflowers" is created to explode later, when touched by curious personas.

Last summer, about few dozen of mentioned devices have been found in holiday resort Busja, half mile distance from the center of Glamoc. There is no explosive expert in Glamoc Police Department, so that they can only 'mark' the spot, until such expert comes from somewhere.

SFOR answer is that it is not in their mandate or authority to clean the mines, while municipal authorities can not find who is responsible to do it. Happily, up till now, there were no casualties.(End)