Serb fear of secret lists

Sarajevo Jul 17, 1997


Pale, 17 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Momcilo Krajisnik, Member B&H Presidency, stated, after the meeting with Mr. Gard Wagner, Representative OHR B&H , that recent incidents in Banjaluka, Prijedor and Zvornik are reactions of bittered Serbs because of the killing of Simo Drljaca, and arrest of Dr. Kovacevic.

"Those incidents, also are showing Serbs fear of Hague secret lists of War criminals", said he, adding that, only the politicians who are far away can be blamed or Prijedor events, appealing in the same time to the Serbs in RS to restrain of actions against representatives of international organizations, because a good relations with them is in interest of RS.

Mr. Wagner, also met in Pale with Mr. Boro Bisic, Coopresiding Ministers Council B&H, discussing recent situation in RS. Both meetings he described as useful exchange of opinions.(End)