Killed because of 109 Dinars

Sarajevo Jul 17, 1997

Banjaluka District Court

Banjaluka, 17 July, 1997 (AIM) - Yesterday, in front of Big Council District Court Banjaluka, started a process against Dusko Suvara (26) from Banjaluka, accused for robbery and murder.

The District Attorney accused him that, he fired three shots (pistol 'CZ', cal. 7,65 mm) at Predrag Piljak from Glamoc, in the office of "Panonka" on 18 January, 1997, where the victim was working as a night guardsman.

The accused drank 'few' drinks with victim in restaurant "Zeleni gaj", and after, killed him in cold blood, suspecting that he was in possession of money. All what he found was 109 Dinars (DEM 30,oo) and 1 German Mark. He was arrested soon after the crime act.

The defense asked for expert opinion. Process will continue on 11 August, 1997.(End)