First Anniversary

Sarajevo Jul 16, 1997

Radio FERN

Sarajevo, 15 July, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding the first anniversary of Radio FERN (Free Elections Radio Network), today in Sarajevo was press conference, where present were Mr. Robert Frowick, Ambassador OSCE Mission B&H, Mr. Christian Hauswirth, Ambassador Swiss to B&H and Albania and Mr. Dino Bornatico, Director FERN.

With new transmitters, FERN will able to cover 80% RS territory, which is very important, having in mind that FERN is open to all political parties equally. The informations for FERN will be supplied by AIM (Alternative Informative Network), ONASA ("Oslobodenje" Sarajevo), BETA (Beograd), STINA (Split), SRNA (Pale), REUTER and more than 30 FERN correspondents in B&H.

After the OSCE mandate in B&H is over, FERN is in obligation to transfer 50% of it's equipment to the entities Governments and private Radio stations.(End).