Problem of Sandzak should be internationalized

Sarajevo Jul 16, 1997

Alternative Ministers Council B&H (AMV)

Sarajevo, 15 July, 1997 (AIM) - "Recent events in Sandak are direct attack on legal local government by President Milosevic, who is so starting his presidential campaign in Yugoslavia. This was expected, but B&H Government reaction was slow and inadequate. It is not personal problem of SDA, but B&H State's problem. Because B&H is weak, this problem should be brought in front of international community, which is able to cut Mr. Milosevic to his own size", was stated today at AMV and 'Government in Shadow' press conference. As for the arrest of war criminals, AMV position is to support such SFOR actions, but those actions should be timed properly, not in time of elections.

Conflict in RS was expected, because "only war conditions can keep recent SDS leadership in government. RS events should be used for similar fight against war profiteers on Federation side".

Regarding the second anniversary of Srebrenica massacre, AMV is asking for responsibility of B&H Army and B&H political leadership, beside already registered culprits: Mladic, Karadzic, OUN and international community.(End)