Mrs. Plavsic: "No compromise on crime"

Sarajevo Jul 16, 1997

RS President on SRT

Banjaluka, 15 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mrs. Plavsic, RS President, published yesterday at SRT that, she stick to her previous decision about dismissing of RS People Assembly, and now, it is up to the RS Constitutional Court, to find the solution. She warned that Constitutional Court Judge's work will be analyzed by experts and the Serb people.

"My answer to two days talks in Banjaluka is - let it be in accordance to the laws and Constitution", said she, after her meeting with Mr. Krajisnik, Member B&H Presidency. She strongly criticized his efforts to compromise, emphasizing that there is no compromise in her fight for legal state and against crime: "I am asking myself, after two day talks, whom I have been talking with? He is Member B&H Presidency, and in RS Constitution there are no obligations and rights of his. Mr. Krajisnik is not aware where he is employed. He infiltrates RS into B&H", said she, stating that this constitutional creases is simply, a local, RS affair, asking herself has Mr. Krajisnik been a competent person to talk with. She warned that RS Government, RS People Assembly and SRT might come under international protectorate, and who is to be blamed for it? Under her critic was SDS leadership too: "If that small bunch of people is asking me to deny the RS Constitution and Law, than I do not recognize the party discipline". At the end she stated: "I hope that I shall have again an opportunity to appear at TV as the RS President, and publicly inform about actual situation in RS".(End)