Elections under the question?

Sarajevo Jul 16, 1997

SDP B&H press conference in Tuzla

Tuzla,16 July, 1997 (AIM)- "If we want fair local elections, SFOR should arrest all persons accused as war criminals, by the day of elections. That is why we support 'Tango' operation", said Mr. Sead Avdic, Vice President SDP B&H, at today's press conference in Tuzla, adding that forces from ex 'Herzeg Bosnia' are obstructing the activities of the House of People in B&H Parliament. He accused leading parties for 'ethnic engineering' in regions where they dominate, and stated that, SDP B&H will not take part in September elections, if international community and OSCE make possible the division of B&H.

Mr. Mirsad Dapo, President Main Board SDP B&H, stated that SDP wants Brcko as B&H town, instead of the town in some of entities region. He accused international community for support of manipulation in Brcko, because they tolerated the fact that this time were 25.000 Serbs registered and, at the last elections there were14.200 Serbs. OSCE disputes 3.000 Serb registrations, but... Some indications are that at the registration lists are persons (Serb) from neighboring countries, which should be checked. "The representatives of opposition informed us that in Brcko is founded Chetnik association 'Ravna gora', headed by Momcilo Dujic. The leaflets in which Serb are invited to fight against all enemies, foreign and domestic, came from that area, and every international and humanitarian organization were given one copy. It is very strange, that non of them reacted", said Mr. Avdic, at the end of conference.(End)