Replacement of SRT leaders

Sarajevo Jul 16, 1997

Coalition "For Banjaluka"

Banja Luka, 16 July, 1997 (AIM) - Coalition "For Banjaluka" agreed with Coordination Board decision to support the RS President demands for replacement of Director General and Editor in Chief of SRT. Also, they suggest that 26 and 27 July, 1997 are proclaimed as "Cleaning Days" in Banjaluka. "We must save Banjaluka from dirt and diseases, even such suggestions sound ridiculous at this moment, the life is going on, whether we want it or not", said Mr. Radoslav Brdanin, President People Party RS.

Mr. Krstan Simic, Head of Coalition Election List from Democrat Party RS, stated that, RS Constitutional Court will be the first court in the world which is to decide, whether the RS President decision is constitutional or not. In other words, is it constitutional for RS President to ask people for their opinion?

    "Why are they afraid of people's opinion? Nobody has a right 

to deny people's will", said Mr. Simic.(End)