Organization of new elections

Sarajevo Jul 16, 1997


Opposition parties "Coordinating Board for RS President support"

Banjaluka, 16 July, 1997 (AIM) - Opposition's "Coordinating Board" is asking for new elections to be organized on 01 September, 1997, in accordance to the RS Laws, with international organizations monitoring, so that it can have an international verification. Also, RS Government should express it's loyalty to the RS President, and start immediately with preparations for elections. The Board is deeply concerned because of international factors monitoring, and, therefore is asking RS Government to replace Director General SRT and appoints "the professional who will provide open media with standards which will unable TV control and management by other factors".

At the end of interview, there is announcement of the Support Meeting in Derventa on Thursday, 17 July, 1997 at 19:00 hours.(End)