President B&H Federation took part in economy talks

Sarajevo Jul 14, 1997

Tomislav Grad: Talks on economy

Livno,14 July, 1997 (AIM)- Mr. Vladimir Soljic, President B&H Federation, took part in economy talks in Tomislav Grad. Mr. Ivan Mandic, Chief Municipal Presidency Tomislav Grad, gave an opening word, telling that he is satisfied with process of capitalization in municipality. While, Mr. Soljic supported recent efforts in economy life of this municipality, Mr. Filip Andric, President Canton "Herceg Bosnia" applied to the citizens of Tomislav Grad, specially to those who live abroad, to invest in local economy, promising all support from municipal and canton government.

At the commercial talks present were: Mr. Marko Tadic, Counsilor President B&H Federation, Mr. Ante Latica, Director General "Brodomerkur" Split and Mr. Branko Antunovic, Cantonal Minister of Economy.(End)