Requests for B&H Federal Government

Sarajevo Jul 14, 1997

Metalworker Trade Union B&H

Sarajevo, 14 July, 1997 (AIM) - The Metalworker Trade Union B&H sent a letter to the B&H Federal Government with 12 requests, regarding their social status until the start of production in metal sectors. They want "free medical care, free electricity, free public utility, monthly allowance in regard to the number of family members, etc. Such programs and means should be realized by the Ministry for refugees and Social Welfare B&H, but also from Cantonal Governments founds", stays in the letter sent from VIII Assembly of Metalworker Trade Union B&H. They, also, ask the Government to create the 'General Economy Program' for industrial recovery in B&H, with an analysis, which factories are to be reconstructed first. For some of the requests they fix a time limit on 01 and 20 August, 1997(End)