Banjaluka autonomy

Sarajevo Jul 13, 1997

Bosnia Party announcement (BOSS)

Tuzla,12 July, 1997 (AIM)- BOSS Tuzla issued toady an announcement in which they appeal to the Serb in Krajina to organize a referendum about the autonomy of Bosanska Krajina, in a view to join the B&H Federation.

"This is the only way to part your future from Pale Mob terror, which endangers themselves as well as all B&H citizens, who consider the peace process as the vital interest", stays in the announcement, adding that "referendum does not interfere with Serb national interests - on the contrary, that would be the affirmation based on political and other rights and freedoms".

Further on it is stated: "Banjaluka autonomy would mean, first of all for Serbs, but also, for all of us, the way towards the stabilization of peace in B&H, and democratization of all social-political relations, because it would blunt the sharpness of Serb, Croat and B&H extremism".(End)