Make the Parliament elections earlier

Sarajevo Jul 13, 1997

UBSD press conference

Zenica, 12 July, 1997 (AIM)- Mr. Sejfudin Tokic, President AMV and President Executive Board UBSD, stated today at press conference in Zenica, that UBSD will demand earlier Parliament elections in RS, but, also in B&H Federations, if it come as a truth, that some Federal officials were involved in interentities criminal actions. "UBSD, as the member of the 'Joint List 97', will continue to act as a multinational political force, the only one which is active at whole B&H territory, and as a party which can introduce this country to the 21st century", said Mr. Tokic, adding that UBSD is surprised that such big criminal activities in RS, did not have an adequate reaction in B&H Federation, specially because, there are a lot of indications that, at least 50% RS crime was realized at the B&H Federation territory . "This fact has been deliberately suppressed by some B&H medias, and AMV and UBSD sent a letter to B&H Federal Ministry of Interior, to investigate those indications. There was no adequate answer, and, therefore, we have the justify doubts that some B&H officials have been involved in that smuggling business between the entities. Also, we support the idea that the investigation should be realized by independent organs, like IPTF", said Mr. Tokic. He stated that UBSD supports earlier elections in RS, which should be monitored by OSCE, but also, in B&H Federation, if mentioned suspicions are proved as a truth.(End)