The letter to the World Leaders

Sarajevo Jul 11, 1997

Helsinki Commitee for Human Rights B&H

Sarajevo,11 July, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding it's letter to the World Leaders, Helsinki Committee B&H, organized a press conference today in Sarajevo. Mr. Nedo Milicevic, Vice President HC B&H stated that, main responsibility is on regional governments, which signed Dayton Agreement, because, taking into consideration, that those governments are avoiding the implementation of Dayton Agreement, it is ridiculous to expect from them to arrest accused war criminals, who live at the territories under their jurisdictions.

At the HC B&H press conference, present were: Mr. Aaron Rhodes, Executive Director International Helsinki Federation, Mr. Craig Janness, OSCE Representative, Mr. Manfred Nowak, Director Boltzmann Institute Vienna, Ms. Tatjana Burjacenko-Grubisa, Member of the Croat HC, Mrs. Vera Jovanovic, Ombudsman B&H Federation, Mr. Hrair Balian, Director International Creases Group, Mr. Zeljko Ivankovic, Vice President AMV B&H, Mr. Zdravko Grebo, Director Center of Law and Mr. Vehid Sehic, Member of Tuzla Citizens Forum. All of them congratulated to the SFOR for yesterday action in Prijedor. "The only real way towards the peace in B&H is to arrest all persons accused as war criminals. Also, this action must be explained to the last detail to the people of RS, because they have been given entirely different information by local RS medias. The Government which avoids to implement Dayton Agreement, deliberately is acting against the interests of it's own people". To avoid such misunderstandings, a huge information campaign should be organized at whole B&H territory.(End)