SFOR action endangers the peace

Sarajevo Jul 11, 1997

Solicitor Chamber RS

Banjaluka, 11 July, 1997 (AIM) - The Solicitor Chamber RS expressed today in it's public announcement, the strongest protest regarding "uncivilized and inhuman acting of SFOR in Prijedor on 10 July, 1997, when Mr. Drljaca was killed, and Dr. Kovacevic, Director Clinic-Hospital Center Prijedor arrested".

They warned that such activities endanger the peace in this area and can create the catastrophe of unforeseeable consequences. Also, all political subject, who took the opportunity to use this event in daily politics causes, are condemned.

The method of realization of such activities are not in accordance to the legal or civil customs. Therefore, the Solicitor Chamber demands urgent release of Dr. Kovacevic, and if there is justify doubt that he committed war crimes, he has right on legal defense.(End)