Reaction of the Party Leaders on Prijedor events

Sarajevo Jul 11, 1997

The pool

Banjaluka, 11 July, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding the Prijedor events, AIM reports the reactions from the party leaders in Banjaluka:

Mr. Predrag Lazarevic, President Serb Party of Krajina and Posavina: "With action in Prijedor, international community tries to oppose MRS Plavsic's action to transform RS into the modern state. They want 'status quo', because they are aware that alienated center of power - Pale, will never be able to create a stabile state. I hope that SFOR will fail on it. Their forcible behavior makes ridiculous West efforts on human rights".

Mr. Radoslav Brdanin, President People Party RS: "We condemn SFOR action, but we condemn even more some persons who blame Mrs. Plavsic for it, making so political image for themselves. We condemn state medias which took the opportunity to turn the attention from Mrs. Plavsic present fight against crime. It is tragedy for this nation to be hunted, but more tragedy is if criminals remain in Government".

Mr. Predrag Radic, President Democrat Party RS: "This action and death of Simo Drljaca, have been realized in the strange time and in the strange way. The soldiers are the soldiers, and he carry out their orders. Such action have been announced, in accordance to the Dayton Agreement. A sad impression was arrest of Drljaca's son, who in the beginning of the war was only 13 years old. We support Mrs. Plavsic suggestion to release the civilians".

Mr. Miodrag Zivanovic, President Social-liberal Party RS (SLS): "SFOR action came at most inconvenient time, when the conflict in RS leadership was on it's top. The SLS and AMV position regarding the arrest of war criminals and their transfer to the Hague Tribunal is well known: everybody who was engaged in war criminal is responsible for it's activities, and everybody has to de brought to the Hague Tribunal, which means the criminals from all three sides. Any how, this has a negative connotations, and support the creases in RS".(End)