Protest against Mr. David Foley's statements

Sarajevo Jul 11, 1997

RS Government letter to Mr. Robert Frowick

Pale, 11 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Gojko Klickovic, President Government RS, sent a letter of protest to Mr. Robert Frowick, Chief Mission OEBS, regarding the statements of Mr. David Foley, OEBS Spokesman, in which he mentioned some RS institutions as "Pale Gang".

RS Government considers Mr. Foley's behavior at yesterday's press conference, not only as his personal rudeness, but as "a clear indication that OEBS, on self initiative, is changing it's mandate, from assistance and monitoring of election process, to it's arbitrage". Also, his statement, that RS President decision on dismissing the Assembly is in accordance to the RS Constitution, is considered as the positioning of an OEBS Official above RS Constitution and RS Constitutional Court.

Further on, the letter denies Mr. Foley's critics addressed to the SRT, regarding it's reports on recent creases in RS.(End)