Change in the politics of peace forces

Sarajevo Jul 11, 1997

RS Government reaction to the SFOR action

Pale, 11 July, 1997 (AIM) - RS Government, at it's special session in Pale, concluded that there is a change in the politics of peace forces and abandon of Dayton agreement implementation.

Mr. Velibor Ostojic, Vice President RS Government, stated after the session, that with such actions "some forces want to provoke Serb people and Serb Government, and to use eventual incidents as an excuse for hugger similar operations, and possible placing of RS into receivership".

The RS Government concluded that they will take all the measures to keep peace and order, appealing to the citizens to believe in their government and institutions, which survived according to the yesterday's RS Constitutional Court decision.

It is expected from Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, to take that opportunity and suggest agenda for new Government t session.

"I except Mrs. Plavsic to accept open invitation and cam to the Government headquarters, when all of us must exceed personal weaknesses in the interests of Serb people", said Mr. Ostojic.(End)