"SFOR's action out of it's mandate"

Sarajevo Jul 11, 1997

**Mr. Krajisnik reaction on Prijedor events

Pale, 11 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Momcilo Krajisnik, Member B&H Presidency, expressed his "deep concern and bitterness" regarding SFOR's action in Prijedor, which he described as action "taken by foreign armed force, which had no mandate to arrest and kill citizens of RS, nor to take away doctors". He, also, stated that there can not be any change in SFOR mandate, without the agreement of Serb side. According the announcement from his Cabinet, "urgently should be find the persons responsible for this crime of international forces, so that they may be punished, in a view that such action can not be repeated any more". He appealed to the States-Guarantees of Dayton Agreement, specially USA, to limit the ambitions and behavior of "field commanders, and to abandon the idea, once for all, about arresting people in RS because of trial in some other country, because RS is ready to trial, in front of international publicity, it's citizens, if there are any doubts or proves".

Mr. Krajisnik appealed to RS citizen to sty calm and not to react towards SFOR soldiers, mentioning, that every peace after civil wars was escorted with a full amnesty, where each side is "taking care of it's War Law violators".(End)