When the trains will start?

Sarajevo Jul 10, 1997

What is the worry of the Bihac railroad men?

Bihaå,10 July, 1997 (AIM)- The Government "Una - Sana" Canton, at it's last session, discussed the agreement signed with Railroad Direction B&H Bihac, by which they are taking part (DEM 7.650,oo) in monthly costs (DEM 10 - 12 thousand), for the passenger transportation between Bihac and Bosanska Otoka. The Government took that obligation, because still there is no cargo traffic, which can provide money foe Railroad Direction. (Before the war, about 70 trains daily were traveling through Bihac).

"Una Railroad" would be under the full capacity only when Zagreb and Split are connected, and that would change, positively, a lot. Some contacts with Serb side have been made in Bosanski Novi, but full agreement is expected to be arranged on the level of Governments or Ministers Council B&H.(End)