ENG:B.Luka-Mrs. Plavsic in Prijedor

Sarajevo Jul 10, 1997

RS President reactions at events in Prijedor

"I had no ideas about it"

Banjaluka, 10 July, 1997 (AIM) - "I have been informed about tragic events and inhuman and uncivilized SFOR's acts in Prijedor immediately upon my return from Bijeljina", said Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, President RS, at today's press conference, confirming the information that Simo Drljaca, Police Commander Prijedor has been killed, while his underage son and his wife's brother were arrested. She stated that this event shades all others.

Again, she mentioned SRT, which emitted false information, that she received this morning in Banjaluka high foreign Delegation (Mr. Westendorp and Gen. William Chrouch). "To manipulate with such tragic events is disgusting. I arrived to Banjaluka from Bijeljina where I spent the morning, therefore, I couldn't receive either of mentioned persons. I have no comment at such manipulation", stated Mrs. Plavsic, adding that this is just one among others false informations regarding the RS President activities.(End)