"You make the situation in RS worse"

Sarajevo Jul 10, 1997

RS President protest to the SFOR Commander

Banjaluka, 10 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, President RS sent a letter of strong protest to Gen. W. Chroach, Commander SFOR, regarding the killing of Simo Drljaca, Commander Police Prijedor, and arrest of other persons in Prijedor:

"I have to point out, that such SFOR behavior, can not pass without consequences in relation between RS leadership and SFOR. I am afraid that the reaction of the people will be terrible, and I can take no responsibility for it. I wonder, if you are aware of the situation at the RS territory, that you took such action. It seams that you are, deliberately, making the situation worse", stays in Mrs. Plavsic letter.(End)