Joint Police forces - when?

Sarajevo Jul 9, 1997

**'Middle Bosnia' Canton

Bugojno, 09 July, 1997 (AIM) - Different positions of SDA and HDZ is the reason why there is no joint Police forces in 'Middle Bosnia' Canton. SDA suggest that each municipality has one police station with national structure regarding the census in 1991, while HDZ insists on two police stations in seven municipalities, parted in clashes in 1993.

Mr. Dzevad Mlaco, President Cantonal Board SDA says: "Nothing is final, the time will show which solution is more efficient. Anyhow, SDA suggestion has been defined in Dayton and in Law. HDZ is mentioning an Article in Law, which stated that one police direction can have more police stations, but that is an exemption of the rule, so it should not be forced as a rule.. Before the war, only in three municipalities there were more police stations: Novi grad - Sarajevo, Banjaluka and Foca. Now, such solutions would be against police efficiency. Also, there are bigger costs, administration.....".

Mr. Mlaco claims, that HDZ request for opening of police stations in Vitez, Kiseljak, Novi Travnik and some others places, is unjustified: "If in one municipality there are two police stations with different nationalities, it is obvious that there would be difficulties in police management". The only, possible solution, according to the SDA, is to have joint forces in each police station.(End)