More voters than inhabitants

Sarajevo Jul 9, 1997


Voters registration in Brcko

Brcko, 09 July, 1997 (AIM) - Brcko Municipal Officials addressed again Mr. Robert Frowick, Chief of the Mission OSCE, in which they warn him for the second time, about the manipulations in repeated registration process at the RS territory. The registration is just about to end, and still, there is no answer to the first warning. The informations about manipulations were given even by OSCE officials, but not officially. Therefore, his passive behavior is wandering B&H side. They, also, reminded him about request of the Federal political parties, to take part in election commissions, when the first manipulation was proved in Brcko.

"There was no reason to reject such request. Instead, Federal side was eliminated from the process in that election district. They have been offered to appoint Federal monitors, but they were afraid to go to Brcko, because even your supervisors were attacked. At least, there is again doubtful registration in Brcko, where there are a few thousand more voters registered compared to the number of voting persons (citizens with right to vote) registered at the elections last year", stays in mentioned letter.(End)