"I came here to tell you the truth"

Sarajevo Jul 9, 1997

Mrs. Biljana Plavsic in Prijedor

Prijedor, 09 July, 1997 (AIM) - In spite of yesterday's visit of Mr. Dragan Kijac, suspended Minister of Interior RS to Prijedor, and SDS hard stream advice to the Prijedor citizen not to appear at the meeting, last night, about 20.000 persons gathered at "Zoran Karalica Square" in Prijedor, to express their support to Mrs. Plavsic, President RS and her decisions about dismission of RS Assembly.

"I have been forced to go from meeting to meeting, to address directly the people, because on SRT are not ready to let me talk - they are afraid of the truth. During the election campaign, leading party promiss to subordinate party's interests to the intersts of the people, but, all was just a promiss. The people have been manipulated, and it is only ligical that they do not trust such leaders. A big crime is cavered by the vail of secret.Millions of DEM have been stolen from RS Budget, and nobody is to be blamed. Because of the huge crime inside the Ministry of Interior, there are no wages, no pensions with possible sarvation", stated Mrs. Plavsic, adding that, leadership from Pale is in confrontation with international comunity, which might drive RS into the international protectorate.

The members of the "Coordination Board" for support of Mrs. President, eight opposition leaders, also addressed the present people.(End)