Milosevic should come to Banjaluka

Sarajevo Jul 9, 1997

The pool

Banja Luka, 09 July, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding the letter from Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, President RS, in which she did not accept an invitation for meeting in Belgrade, AIM organized the pool between political parties leaders in Banjaluka.

Mr. Zivko Radisic, President Socialist Party RS (SP RS):

"President Milosevic's initiative for meeting is a wise decision, which prejudice nothing. He tries to find the solution through the contact of institutions. Mrs. Plavsic did not deny the meeting, she only disagree with a place of meeting. We hope that the meeting will be realized soon. I myself, as a citizen, will do the efforts to realize this idea".

Mr. Nikola Spiric, President Democrat Party RS (DP RS):

"Mrs. Plavsic is ready for meeting. It is wrong interpretation that she denied it. She refused to meet him in Belgrade, after what happened at the Belgrade airport. The point is in meeting, not in place of meeting. It is important that we have a democrat solution. And, why not in Banjaluka?"

Mr. Radoslav Brdanin, President People Party RS:

"Mrs. Plavsic is not refusing the dialog, as the RS President she has a right to choose the place of the meeting".

Mr. Slavko Zupljanin, President Serb Patriot Party RS (SPAS RS):

"If Mr. Milosevic wants to continue to act as a mediator in peace process, let him come to Banjaluka. That will prove that he cares about Mrs. Plavsic security. It is his obligation, after Belgrade airport accident. Every initiative for talks is good, but not every place for meeting. Banjaluka is a good place. At this moment, SDS can return into the Law frame only by her death".

Mr. Predrag Radic, President Democrat Patriot Party RS (DPS):

"DPS support every initiative for dialog, regardless where it come from, as long as it leads to peaceful solution of the problem. Dialog between Mrs. Plavsic and Mr. Krajisnik was never in question, and it is exclusively in the authority of RS President to decide about time and place of meeting".

Mr. Mico Carevic, President Communist Union- Movement for Yugoslavia:

"Mrs. Plavsic did not close the possibility of meeting. She only insisted on Banjaluka, as the place of meeting. Why he shouldn't come to Banjaluka? That would be a gentleman's move".

Mr. Nikola Poplasen, President Serb Radical Party RS:

"Mrs. Plavsic invitation to Mr. Milosevic to come to Banjaluka is perfect. Only, she should invite President Clinton, too".(End)