Ex soldiers support Mrs. Plavsic

Sarajevo Jul 9, 1997


Bijeljina, 09 July, 1997 (AIM) - At today's session of the Ex Soldiers Union Semberija and Majevica, more than 100 participants plabiscitary decided to organize the Meeting of support for Mrs. Plavsic, President RS. They are asking Mrs. Plavsic to take part at the meeting tomorrow at 18:00 hours, to explain to the people her intentions.

At the session was present Mr. Borislav Bojic, who was strongly criticized for his statement, which he, in behalf of Union, sent yesterday from Zvornik to Pale. That statement does not express real position of UNION members, and it was denied completely, as a try of manipulation with ex soldiers, who did fight for RS.

During the 'hot' session, all present, with no exception, addressed same people as Mrs. Plavsic did in her statement. Also, they warned medias that they are obliged to cover events which are showing a real mode of the people.(End)