Municipal Presidents received instructions

Sarajevo Jul 9, 1997


Pale, 09 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Dragan Kalinic, President RS Government and Mr. Miroslav Vjestica, Vice President RS Government, held a meeting yesterday in Pale with RS Municipal Presidents and representatives of Municipal Boards SDS. The subject was preparation of the session of People Assembly, dismissed by Mrs. Plavsic, President RS on 03 July, 1997.

At the announcement from the meeting is stated that "in municipalities will be realized only those decisions, which are in accordance to the RS Constitution and RS Law", and that "People Assembly and RS Government continue to exists in all their authorities, including the authority over municipal organs and institutions". As for new elections, it will be organized when decided so by legal and legitimate organs in accordance to the RS Law, what is defined already in Dayton Agreement. This preparation for Assembly has been agreed with Mr. Velibor Ostojic, Mr. Ostoja Kremenovic and Mr. Durad Banjac, vice-presidents RS.(End)